Monday, December 4, 2023

Pixel Art Darkfire Animation

 Credit to Rory Mitchell for the base templates.

I fell down the pixel art rabbit hole recently, I really want to do a point and click adventure game retro style. I have crazy dreams of having a Warcraft style game set in Ilea etc, doing the sanctuary storyline where you can design your own character and do quests with the main story like the comicsbut also side quests etc. If I had the money to get others to help I would. I can barely function on a day to day basis, but I have so many fun creative ideas my brain wants to explode. Being AuDHD and disabled as well as struggling with depression, does make it a challenge and I haven’t felt up to doing the comic for months - plus I moved recently. I think I’m starting to get my creative buzz back slowly but I need to pace myself and settle in here.

In the mean time please enjoy my fun pixel stuff!

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