
A mid-level telepath, empath, psychic & telekinetic, Psione (Becki) is the leader of The Sanctuary and looking for a way home, finding others who are stranded along the way. Her abilities are passive, defensive, and offensive, being able to astral travel, read others' thoughts, feelings and energy, and mediumship abilities enabling her to communicate with a variety of beings and energies of different vibrational levels.


Anahata is the sister (Anita) of Psione and becomes super strong in her Anahata form, she is also a passive empath, and psychic, being able to read people to a certain degree but not control or manipulate them with her abilities, unlike Psione.


Eldest brother (Alan) to Psione & Anahata, Sunstorm becomes incredibly hot and firey and can burn to temperatures of sun-hot intensity, whilst keeping it localised to his form and projectiles. Powers include flight and space survival in Sunstorm form.


Animare (Caz) is Wife to Sunstorm (Alan) and sister-in-law to Anahata (Anita) & Psione (Becki)
Using her wand/paint brush and magickal paint pallet she can bring her paintings to life.


zzy is Anitas daughter, highly skilled trained by her Elven mentor in the art of Da’hakto to hone her natural agility, speed, to master double sword fighting, she is highly revered as Ileas youngest double sword fighter due to the difficulty in using this weapon effectively. She is often seen with her two cats Noir & Blanc. She is wife to Ahmed who she often fights side by side with.

In feline form, Izzy has cat-like reflexes and agility, as well as flexibility and speed. Her claws are weapons in their own rights and her confidence as a cat belies her deeper self-image fears as a human. Her ability to transform can be partial or whole and in full complete cat form, she is more like a panther than a domestic cat.

Ahmed is trained in the Draconian arts of Power Fighting. Ahmed & Izzy are engaged, fiance and fiancee. He and Izzy work together to help people in Ilea accept and define their image to align with their authentic selves and run a support group for those in The Sanctuary who struggle with mental health issues. Both use music as therapy.

In animal form, Ahmed turns into a large brown bear with the strength and ferocity to match.  Izzy & Ahmed often fight together utilising his brute strength and might with her speed and agility.


After being rescued by Psione from The Dominion Shadow-Wolf starts to learn about his abilities and who he really is. After starting to accept his true nature and finding the strength to show his true feelings to Psione he inadvertently awakens an eons-old evil ...


Spartanite has Super-Strength and works with Demons and Demon Magick. She is often with Belvia - her spirit guide made corporeal. She also harbours an unexpected secret ...


Tempest uses weather magic and favours lightning as her most potent form of attack. She can fly using wind and swim deep using water to create air bubbles and manipulate the air pressure around her.


Dedlok uses gravitational magic and can use it to increase and decrease the planet's gravity to make things float, fly or even be super heavy to "fall" through floors.

Claunecks Human form, made physical in this realm, linked to Spartanite and Psione, the magic that pulled them here, pulled him out of Hell into this world with them. A guide for health and wealth, and helps fund The Sanctuary and keep everyone on track - like a life coach. Also great with a battle axe.


C.K's Demon form, as with all infernals he has great strength and access to demonic magicks.  As the King of the Greed circle of hell Clauneck commands great armies. He is also the right hand of Samael.


Draconian defector from The Dominion army, he and a faction of Draconians broke away to help The Sanctuary protect the world from Lord Loki and The Dominion.


Kaff has the ability to create magic bubbles that can float and carry people in them, or be used as heavy projectile weapons to stun. They can be bouncy and high tensile or easy to burst at her choosing. With her bright bubbly personality, her abilities definitely express who she is on the inside!


Thoth aka Tim, is a New-Atlantean, like many, he has had past lives in the 5th experiment of Atlantis and it's downfall, but for him the re-activation of his past life abilities has bought forth this new King of Atlantis



Darkfire is a vicious vampire borne of old ways corrupted by Black Magick who "horcruxed" her Soul in a previous life to a Shadow-Crystal so that when her reincarnation found the soul-bound crystal, she would reawaken and become the dominant aspect again, eventually overtaking her current incarnations persona completely.


War-Chief of The Dominion when Darkfire isn't around, Brutallica is always looking at ways of overthrowing those in power and gaining more power for herself so she can prove her worth Hell and become a Demon Overlord there as well as taking over the world she has found herself stranded on. 

General Daktar

General Daktar is the Draconian Liason between The Dominion and Lord Loki. Brutal and in command of the Draconian Army, they destroy any who oppose Lord Loki and The Dominion.


Terrak is one of a human-wolf mix bred by The Dominion to serve them loyally and attack their enemies. 
Wipe Out

Wipe Out (Chris) works as an assassin for The Dominion and his powers negate other magicks and absorb various types of energy, psychic, personal, emotional from others. This makes him exceptionally lethal and as such is immune to psychic and other magickal abilities against him. He isn't immune however from physical attacks, although he can weaken and kill people physically. He has been working to keep apart Psione from her Twin Flame for many lifetimes, and his karmic entanglement with her has run deeply over many eons to achieve this goal in service to his ultimate master who he seeks to eventually usurp and take over gaining ultimate Dominion over all those under his power. His weakness is not being able to use his powers on Angelic, Demonic or Celestial beings who are immune - including the dragons and DragonFae.


 When the DragonFae were banished from Earth by humans they retreated to Ilea leaving behind only those who wished to live among humans as humans, their bloodline kept secret until the day those who wished to find their kin summoned their Goddess, Tiamet.

Goddess Tiamet

Tiamet is the Goddess of both Dragons and Dragon Fae. She is timeless and immortal, self forged and actualised in the heavens and born into life in the Sea Of Life. She is the Ultimate Dragon Authority and the only one who can move between The Dragon Realm and Ilea.

Queen Mab

Mab is the Queen of the Dragonfae, and she manages the day to day running of her people, only turning to Tiamet to update her or to seek counsel in times of need. 


Principal warrior and confident of Queen Mab, Zekera is a skilled fighter and the lead war drummer of the Dragon Fae.

Morgan La Fae

Healer and alchemist of the Dragonfae, her ability to create new potions, and her extensive knowledge of magick make her a highly valuable asset to the Dragonfae, and much sought after by wizards, mages and other beings seeking her knowledge and magicks.

Babalon (Aphrodite/Innana/Ishtar) 
Babalon is an ancient Goddess of Love Lust & War, but also a Dragon who chooses human form to experience love and sex, and is very much about the pleasures of the flesh, as well as romance and war that comes from the motivations driven by physical lust and desire. Whilst not strictly Dragon-Fae, she does reside with them so as to avoid being banished with the other dragons.
Darkfire/Bex has a a connection with Babalon that has yet to be revealed…

Other Characters


Layla is one of the Leporidae, part of the Coney Clan, there are many "rabbit folk" clans around Ilea ranging from the grassland Coneys to the Sylvi-Aqua of the swamps.

High Queen Eoven

High Queen of the High Elves, Eoven along with her life bond, High King Aeodan are the Leaders of the High Elves. 
High-Elves live in a more complex society than that of the Dark Elves and Wood Elves and are more likely to embrace more modern techniques and technology where it enhances their races lives than their wood and underground counterparts.

High King Aeodan

High King Aeodan has been the ruling figure along with his Queen for countless eons. High Elves are immortal and although not indestructible, extremely agile and quick, and very proficient with any weapons they choose to excel at. They are also highly skilled at High Magicks.


Mila is one of the Dark Elves, adapted to live underground in large cavern systems and rarely are seen on the surface, and only at night due to light sensitivity. They cultivate crystal farms and are highly attuned to crystal energy. The Dark Elves' use of Dark (not Black) Magick is highly revered, and much sought after. They provide the crystals needed to develop magick skills and "level up". They use symbols and intention work to program their cultivated crystals imbuing them with specifically directed abilities to help others activate their own innate inner magicks.

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