Wednesday, January 15, 2025

2025 Updates


So more updates on my comic - its a real slow process due to my health issues and I have decided to add the OGN format (Original Graphic Novel) as well as individual issues for POD printing cost purposes for both myself and my customers. I need to compile and reformat my current comics into the volumes I had set for the ongoing comic issues, Aeons, Origins, Dark Mirror, Flashback and Chaos War.

The original comic issues will still be available as well to buy in digital as well as a compiled format. Buying the OGN version will work out more affordable over all though.

I have decided whilst there are mature themes in my comic book to not have full on hentai style stuff for varying reasons so will be modifying some of the content I have done to date.

The free to view comics on Comic Fury are censored lo res samples but I won’t be sharing the full comics on there. 

Please bear with me whilst I make the changes - I am also considering what help I need from others with my comic stuff. I have not done well in building a fan base, although I do have some regular readers on Comic Fury. My biggest paying fan ended up being someone with an unhealthy crush on me proclaiming his love to me whilst married to someone else and when I told him to back off he ignored boundaries, even after I blocked him… 

I don’t create as much as I would like because of my many health issues, but better to be like the tortoise, slow and steady, than the hare and burn myself out before I reach my goals. 

If you enjoy my comic, please interact, comment, like, share and support me via subscribestar and buying my comic on release, donations on my Ko-Fi & BCM are appreciated!

Ciao 4 Now


Sunday, October 13, 2024

 Darkfire Running Animation I did on Procreate. I would love to see my comic as a full animated series. How cool would that be!?

Character Sheet: Darkfire


Darkfire Character Sheet - 3 styles done on Procreate, the middle Anime effect I created using an auto action on Clip Studio, the bottom Anime effect using noise, bloom and Gaussian blur on Procreate.

I got the template idea from a castlevania character sheet.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Paracosm Comics Podcast #1


Episode 1 of the Paracosm Comics podcast is out now! Take a listen below…

Monday, December 4, 2023

Pixel Art Darkfire Animation

 Credit to Rory Mitchell for the base templates.

I fell down the pixel art rabbit hole recently, I really want to do a point and click adventure game retro style. I have crazy dreams of having a Warcraft style game set in Ilea etc, doing the sanctuary storyline where you can design your own character and do quests with the main story like the comicsbut also side quests etc. If I had the money to get others to help I would. I can barely function on a day to day basis, but I have so many fun creative ideas my brain wants to explode. Being AuDHD and disabled as well as struggling with depression, does make it a challenge and I haven’t felt up to doing the comic for months - plus I moved recently. I think I’m starting to get my creative buzz back slowly but I need to pace myself and settle in here.

In the mean time please enjoy my fun pixel stuff!

Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Dominion


The Dominion Symbol

In the 1990's when creating my comic, I eventually got the idea for the bad guys name, The Dominion, inspired by a Manga I had on VHS called Dominion. 

(I loved THIS scene SO hard)

I made Brutallica the leader of The Dominion until Darkfire emerges - more on that though when Origins is released.

2025 Updates

   So more updates on my comic - its a real slow process due to my health issues and I have decided to add the OGN format (Original Graphic ...