Thursday, October 14, 2021

Comic Art Musings

Reptile vs Terrak

Most of the artwork for the stories I did as a teenager - not for public consumption but purely for my own joy of it - so I used other characters like Marvel's Venom as I was going through a Venom phase at the time. The old stories will likely be recycled for the updated new version and a lot of them are just ideas I had I threw out at the time with a view to refining later. I never wrote the story but would just draw what I felt then added the wording later - I am a self-taught artist from a young child by copying and drawing from memory or my head what I feel so I am by no means a professional Comic Book Artist. My aim is to learn how the pros do it and effectively "start over" incorporating my "feel my way into it" technique with the traditional methods and see what happens. It will likely take me years and I know I will never stop improving and learning and I am late in the game but better late than never and away I go!

I would use whatever I had to hand paper and pen wise - usually a biro or cartridge pens until I found fineliners. All the stories are roughs and I will likely only share a few until I get the new main webcomic up and running and then share the old stuff for where the original story came from comparisons. 

Most of the comic art was done from 14-17 although I have done sporadic bouts of it over the years to date.

I hope you enjoy and please share your thoughts and feelings along the way if you so feel inspired to!


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